
How often do you plan to come out with new versions? Are you committed to continuous improvement of the product?

Our current plans call for new versions on an annual cycle. Between major version releases, NovaSim will actively seek feedback from its client base, and is committed to integrating the improvements suggested on an ongoing basis. If there's a needed feature that the product doesn't handle, we want to know about it and will make every attempt to include that functionality as soon as possible. Our goal is to develop a reputation as the premier provider of contact center simulation solutions. We understand that we can only meet that goal with a firm committment to continually enhancing the quality of our product.


Is customization of the product possible?

Yes, ccProphet is completely expandable. Again, NovaSimoffers comprehensive customization services with our professional simulation analysts. NovaSim is also willing to discuss licensing arrangements in which the ccProphet engine can be made available for integration in a third party offering.


Is formal training available with ccProphet?

ccProphet end user training is offered to your team as part of the implementation effort. Training is usually scheduled for two days, and covers data input, scenario development and analysis, model validation and results interpretation.


What are the applications for which ccProphet is suited?

Some of the applications for which the product is especially well-suited are:

  • Convergence of Multiple Points of Entry (Fax, E-mail, Chat, Internet, etc.)
  • Skill Based Routing Analysis (and staff planning)
  • Call Prioritization (Customer Value Index)
  • Agent Forecasting
  • Customer Service Level Planning
  • Dynamic Cost per Call Calculations

What are the system requirements for ccProphet?

ccProphet is a Windows-based desktop application. As long as you are using a reasonably modern Windows machine for your ccProphet installation, you should not have any problem. Please note, however, that the speed at which your simulations will run depend partially on your processor speed and amount of available RAM.

Note: We are actively developing a web-based version of ccProphet that will be offered on a subscription basis. Please contact us if you are interested in this option.