Agent Based Simulation
SIMUL8 has responded to the buzz on agent based simulation by adding Visual Logic directly to work items. While not everyone has a need for this capability, there are some applications that will now be much easier to model. Common applications include consumer behavior, social networks, edpidemiology, and evacuation to name just a few.
In standard Discrete Event Simulation languages (of which SIMUL8 has long been an example), all intelligence in a system is encapsulated in the simulation objects (such as work centers). Work items are passive and are simply passed around according to the logic of the other objects. In an agent-based simulation, however, the work items themselves have intelligence and may interact with other work items.
SIMUL8 2010 makes it possible to incoroprate work item-based intelligence into your model by allowing you to attach Visual Logic code directly to work items. Even better, because all of SIMUL8's discrete event and continuous simulation features are still there, you can now create powerful hybrid models.