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Hospital Move Module

hcProphet’s Hospital Move Module provides an interactive tool that allows evacuation and move planners to explore the expected outcomes associated with various move planning scenarios. While it was originally developed to help large hospitals plan moves, the tool is also well suited to planning for any kind of mass hospital evacuation. The tool enables communication among project team members about why certain planning decisions have been made and their expected results.


The Hospital Move Module also enables staff to answer important questions such as:

  • How many elevators do we need to use for the evacuation? What will their utilization be? Do we have enough capacity to dedicate the use of certain elevators to a certain purpose?
  • Which possible route should be used for each patient group to minimize bottlenecks?
  • How many ambulances can we use efficiently?
  • How would a dramatic change in patient mix on move day affect the expected outcome?
  • What is the best move sequence that will minimize the total move time?