A good simulation model produces a wealth of information to support your decisions, but it must be managed and interpreted correctly.


Testing and Validation

It is common to use a simulation model to support decisions involving a great deal of money, so it is very important to make sure it is accurate. With a simple model, testing that your logic is flowing correctly and that the model is producing reasonable output statistics is easy enough. But the more complex your model becomes, the more complex of an exercise the testing and validation becomes. How can you be sure that complex flows are working correctly (testing) and that the output statistics are realistic (validation)? For that matter, how accurate do you need the model to be in order to meet project objectives? We can walk you through this important project step so that you can have complete confidence in your model.


Output Analysis

We said earlier that a simulation model produces many output statistics. Some models produce so many that you'll be wondering how to make sense of it all. We can help you define and create appropriate output results for your goals, interpret your results, and determine whether two scenarios really are different.


Model Auditing

Sometimes even power users need a second opinion. After you've worked on a complex model by yourself for awhile, it can be hard to see find your own errors or see potential blind spots. Let one of our experts review your model. We can double check your work before you submit your recommendation, help track an error or simply make sure that your model is doing what you thought you'd told it to do! We are available on an hourly basis to help solve your nagging simulation issues. Contact us for more information.